Sword art online re hollow fragment bonus addons
Sword art online re hollow fragment bonus addons

sword art online re hollow fragment bonus addons

Lost Song is a direct sequel to Hollow Fragment and takes place in Alfheim Online.

sword art online re hollow fragment bonus addons

A PC version was later released in late 2018.

  • Sword Art Online: Lost Song, Asia-wide release in early-mid 2015, with a European and North American release in November 2015 for the PS Vita and Playstation 4.
  • A PC version was later available early 2018 as a Pre-Order Bonus for Fatal Bullet, and months later, it was sold separately. Notably, it features a vastly better translation than the PS Vita version.
  • Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment is an Updated Re-release for the Playstation 4 and arrived in summer 2015 in Europe and North America.
  • Hollow Fragment includes an enhanced version of Infinity Moment and was released outside of Japan to Asia with PSN releases in the Americas, Europe and Oceania.
  • Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment for the PS Vita and a social network game for Japanese smart phones called Sword Art Online: End World.
  • Sword Art Online: Infinity Moment for the PSP.

  • Sword art online re hollow fragment bonus addons